We are very proud of our school uniform and we believe that to wear school uniform has a positive effect on improving children's attitudes in the classroom and also to general school behaviour. We like to create a sense of common purpose and identity in the school. We deliberately make our uniform very accessible – it can be purchased cheaply from local supermarkets and, although logoed items are available through our supplier, these are not a requirement. We are committed to the DFE's recommendations to keep uniform affordable and accessible for all.
Pre-loved uniform
The school welcomes donations of any outgrown and or unwanted school uniform still in a usable condition so that we can support families with accessing items of pre-loved school uniform as well as cutting down on waste.
If you need any help with uniform, please contact the school office.
Our School Uniform
Our school uniform is:
Grey/black trousers/shorts or black/grey skirt or pinafore
Claret jumper/sweatshirt or cardigan - these do not have to have the Locking logo on them
White polo shirt/blouse or light blue polo shirt/blouse
For summer, a red and white checked or striped summer dress
Year 6 pupils can wear their hoodies once they have been purchased and issued to them instead of their claret jumper/sweatshirt
Please ensure that all clothing is clearly marked with your child's name.
All footwear and boots must be black. Shoes must have good grip, be secured to the foot (with laces, Velcro or buckles) and be suited to active play. Many shops now stock plain black trainers which are suitable for school as do many sports brands with fully black logos.
Please notes that slip on ballet pumps, sandals and soft, 'Ugg-style' boots are not suitable for school.
It is essential that all children have a warm and waterproof coat for cold and wet weather. This may look different for the different seasons. Please note that Year 6 pupils are still required to have a coat. Their Leavers Hoodies do not replace the need for a coat.
We have continued with 'PE kits for PE days'. PE days are shared termly on newsletters and social media. On the relevant day, children should come to school wearing:
black or grey shorts/jogging bottoms
a white T-shirt/black/grey t-shirt
either their school jumper or a hoodie/sweater which is grey/black
a suitable pair of trainers
With the exception of trainers, PE kits should not be obviously branded. No large logos will be permitted nor will football/rugby kits.
Hair accessories
All hair longer than shoulder length should be tied up. Hair accessories should be practical, in school colours and of a sensible size.
Children may wear a wrist watch (no smart watches please). Children with pierced ears can wear plain stud earrings. For health and safety reasons, all jewellery will need to be removed for PE. If it is not possible to remove earrings, they should be taped over. No other jewellery is permitted, including charity bands and friendship bracelets.
Ordering School Uniform
As well as sweatshirts, cardigans and fleeces with the school logo, book bags can be purchased from NK Sports. Please note that we do not state that uniform has to be branded.