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Welcome to Friends of Locking School (FOLS)


The 'Friends of Locking School' is a voluntary group of parents, carers, friends and teachers whose aim is to enhance the education and well-being of our children. Through our numerous fundraising events and activities throughout the year, which have been so generously supported by parents for many years, we are able to buy much needed equipment, supplement the facilities provided by the Local Authority and give the children the opportunity to take part in extra-curricular activities.


FOLS is also an excellent way to bring children, parents, staff and friends together with the common aim of supporting the school and its pupils. Over the years FOLS has always succeeded in its aims and, with the generous and continued support of all parents, we hope that it may long continue to do so.


What Does FOLS Fund?


Annually FOLS funds:

  • Book bags and PE bags for Reception
  • Class Treat
  • Christmas Parties and presents
  • Leaver’s Disco
  • Year Six Leavers’ present


In the past few years we have also:

  • Equipped the ICT suite to ensure there is one computer station per pupil 
  • Built the all-weather “blue path” leading to HMS Phoebe via the Willow walk
  • Provided lunch time play equipment


The success of FOLS depends wholly on the goodwill and support of parents and friends. We understand everyone is busy and time is limited, and some people do not want to join a committee in an official capacity. Any help you can offer, from baking a cake for one of our events, washing up after a film night, selling raffle tickets to throwing yourself headfirst in into organising an event, or joining the committee, will not be turned down!! You can decide how much or how little you want to get involved.


Joining FOLS or even just helping out in however small a capacity can be greatly rewarding. Over the years many people have commented on the positives of being involved in FOLS including being given a sense of belonging in the school community, contributing directly to your child’s education and schooling, getting to know some of the teaching and support staff, finding out more about what is happening in and around the school, and making a real difference to the children of Locking Primary School AND IT CAN BE GREAT FUN!!


If you are considering joining FOLS, want to help at a specific event or just want to find out a bit more then please either come to one of our events or meetings or pop into the office where they will be able to put you in contact with us!!


Please follow our Facebook page: Friends of Locking School (FOLS)
