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School based Early Help

School Based Early Help


We know that sometimes people find themselves having a difficult time.  Should you feel that you need some additional support on a specific issue or for a short period of time we can help you with that.  We can do this on a 1:1 basis or by meeting with other people and agencies who may be able to give you the help that you need.  Early Help is about supporting you to have the help you need at the earliest possible stage.


Some of the things that we have supported families with are:

Finances and Budgeting                                                                 Domestic Abuse  

Housing  and Homelessness                                                         Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health          

Challenging Behaviour                                                                    Routines

Food bank vouchers 


For more information on our offer of Early Help please contact or call one of the pastoral team on 01934 822867.  For immediate assistance then please email in on our dedicated email and a member of our pastoral team will get back to you. If you want to know more about Early Help within North Somerset and how to access Family Wellbeing services, please contact the Children’s Front door on 01275 888808 or
