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Locking Primary School Mathematics Rationale

The Mathematics Curriculum

Our Vision

Mathematics is essential for everyday life and understanding our world. It enables the development of pupils’ natural ability to think logically and solve puzzles and real life problems. Pupils learn to think creatively and make links between mathematical concepts through exploring patterns in the number system, shape, measures and statistics. They make and discuss propositions, explaining their reasoning and justifying their answers. They develop the skills, knowledge and efficient methods of calculation necessary to support their economic future and problem solving in life. 

The Mathematics curriculum at Locking Primary School will:

  • promote a positive attitude towards mathematics
  • enable pupils to build conceptual ideas in mathematics through multiple encounters
  • teach children the correct mathematical vocabulary to enable them to reason and problem solve in mathematics
  • allow children the time and opportunity to solve complex problems and grapple with new concepts
  • encourage learners to think rationally and logically about how to solve problems
  • promote resilience in learning and the ability to preserve to solve mathematical problems

Mathematics teaching at Locking Primary School will:

  • be taught using a spiral curriculum in a progressive way to build on mathematical concepts
  • provide children the opportunities to have automaticity with number
  • allow pupils opportunities in each lesson to apply their new learning to reason and problem solve in different contexts helping children to embed new learning
  • develop knowledge through lessons using a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach (CPA) to build a depth of understanding that can be transferred into abstract methods
  • allow children to think creatively and make connections in knowledge by exploring patterns in number, shape, measure and statistics

Assessment of Mathematics at Locking Primary School will:

  • Provide 2 summative assessment points based using NFER or Statutory end of Key Stage Assessments
  • be supported by the Multiplication Tables Check for Year 4 pupils at the end of Lower Key Stage 2
  • be underpinned by the moderation of end of Key Stage 1 assessments
  • formative assessment will be ongoing through maths lessons identifying what the children have learnt and allowing teachers to adapt the learning journey accordingly
  • give feedback and additional challenge following each lesson to allow all pupils to make good progress

Curriculum Rationale –  Mathematics

We follow the Primary National Curriculum for mathematics.  Mathematics is an interconnected subject in which pupils need to be able to move fluently between mathematical ideas. |The programmes of study are, by necessity, organised into distinct areas, but pupils will make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. They will also apply mathematical knowledge to science and other subjects.



  • Programme: White Rose Hub, Maths No Problem and NCTEM Ready-To-Progress. We follow a spiral curriculum allowing pupils to encounter concepts multiply times. They activate knowledge by revisiting prior content and build new knowledge on with each revisit of an area. Over time the problem solving becomes increasingly more complex.
  • Timetabling: mathematics is taught as a discrete lesson daily with a set period to build fluency

Arithmetic and Reasoning Rationale

We follow the mastery approach to mathematics at Locking. We believe that all pupils should have access to a broad and balanced curriculum that meets individual needs.

  • maths is taught unit by unit with lots of year groups working on similar themes at the same time including number and place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, fractions, measurement, geometry and statistics
  • each concept is introduced thoroughly with the opportunity to apply knowledge through problem solving and reasoning in order to embed knowledge
  • our aim is to develop concepts using the small step approach to enable children to fully embed their knowledge while providing open ended problems to challenge learners that have grasped concepts quickly
  • teachers provide numerous opportunities for pupils to reason through ideas and will address misconceptions as they arise
  • use the CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) approach through sequences of lessons to support all learners. Manipulatives will always be used to introduce new learning before moving to more abstract methods


Fluency Rationale

  • we are following the NCTEM mastering number programme in Reception and Key Stage One
  • short sessions of discrete fluency are taught in Key Stage Two
  • pupils in Key Stage Two build up their multiplication skills using Timetables Rockstars