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Children in Care






Miss Ledbury

Designated Teacher for Children Looked After and

Previously Looked After Children


Locking School Statement

Our school aims to promote high aspirations for children who are placed in care and previously looked after, to ensure all pupils are given the opportunity to succeed and develop their full potential. We believe that every individual is capable of achieving, and constantly striving for excellence.

It is the responsibility of the Designated Teacher and the Inclusion Team, to work with all school staff to promote the educational achievement and pastoral welfare of Children Looked After (CLA) and Previously Looked After Children (Post LAC) that are part of our school community. We recognise that school plays a vital role in providing a stable base for LAC and Post LAC students and in promoting their academic, social, emotional and spiritual development. We promote staff training in their specific needs, so that we are sensitive to the barriers to learning that LAC and Post LAC students may experience. 


Personal Education Plans (PEP’s)

All looked after children have a care plan. A PEP is a statutory requirement to ensure that a record is maintained regarding the child’s educational progress and thus it forms an integral part of the child’s overall care plan. The PEP should detail what needs to happen in order for the looked after child to fulfil their potential. The Local Authority are under a duty to ensure that the PEP fully reflects the educational needs of the child, remains relevant to the child’s age, ability and aptitude, and is implemented effectively. PEP’s occur three times a year and are usually held at the child’s school. Carers and agencies that support the child are invited to attend and have their voice recorded.


The objections of a PEP

• To provide a safe and secure environment where education is always central to the planning and all adults understand the specific needs of LAC and Post LAC students

• To narrow the gap between the attainment of LAC and Post LAC students and their peers, ensuring accelerated and rapid progress.

• To use the allocated Pupil Premium Plus (PP+) to ensure effective impact

• For all LAC students to have a minimum of three Personal Education Planning (ePEP) meetings in an academic year and for the joint planning to actively impact on each child’s learning on a daily basis, to ensure accelerated and rapid progress

 • For all adults to provide discreet, sensitive, child-led support, with one key adult identified who will form a strong relationship and take a special interest in daily life at school

• LAC students and their foster families will feel part of the school community; they will be actively welcomed into the community in recognition of the particular needs of this group.


Pupil Premium Plus Spending

All students who are Looked After have a minimum of 3 Personal Education Planning (ePEP) meetings in an academic year. A joint-planning approach is taken to ensure that the PP+ funding is used in a way which will have the maximum impact on the child's academic, social and emotional progress.


The funding is used for a variety of interventions and support, and is bespoke to the child's individual needs. This may include:


  • 1-1 or small group academic support or access to an intervention
  • 1-1 or small group pastoral support or interventions
  • Supporting a child’s ability to access wider school opportunities such as music lessons, Theraplay or art
  • Subsidising school trips and wrap around care


Legislation Documents

The Children Act 1989 places a legal duty on Local Authorities to safeguard and promote the welfare of looked after children. This duty extends to promoting the child’s educational achievement and this information page will seek to explore the specific duties placed on Local Authorities in relation to the education of a looked after child. The Department for Education has also issued statutory guidance Promoting the education of looked after children and previously looked after children.



