Schools must publish a SEN information report about their provision and support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and the information to be included in the SEN information report is set out in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014 Schedule 1.
The SEN information report is updated annually with any changes occurring during the year updated as soon as possible.
We publish this information on our school website so that young people, parents and other professionals can find it easily.
You can access our report via the link below.
Locking Primary School's Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo): Mrs Amy Jones
Locking Primary School is committed to providing a high quality education for all children. We believe that every child who attends our school, including those identified as having Special Educational Needs, have an equal entitlement to a broad, balanced curriculum. We are passionate about supporting all pupils in achieving a positive outcome and developing life skills for the future. The school’s links with outside agencies are strong and ensure that support is sought when necessary to enable disabled pupils and those with special educational needs to access the learning.
Locking Primary School is an inclusive school. It is a single storey building which is accessible on a large, flat site. The building is accessible by the main entrance or through the individual classrooms. There is a disabled toilet and shower as well as a hoist. Locking Primary School has a Moderate Learning Difficulty with Development Delay Resource Base (Treetops) run by a qualified specialist SEND teacher Mrs Sian Fox, as well as bespoke nurture groups and gross motor skill groups provided by specialist learning support assistants.
Locking Green Primary School is working towards achieving the Makaton Friendly Scheme and is an accredited Elklan Communication Friendly Setting.
How will school staff support my child?
Mrs Amy Jones currently oversees the day-to-day operation of the provision for SEND.
Mrs Jones works Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Mrs Jones can be contacted directly via email:
Wider SEND team
Mrs Roxanne Simpson and Mrs Sian Fox, our specialist SEND teacher working in the Treetops Resource Hub also form part of the wider SEND team.
Mrs Amy Jones Mrs Roxanne Simpson Mrs Sian Fox
Class teachers
All teachers are teachers of children with SEND. They identify, assess and make provision for children with SEND through their quality first teaching.
Mental Health Support
Miss Sharon Ledbury (Mental Health Lead) offers support to children and families going through difficulties at home and at school.
Support staff
Support staff work under the direction of class teachers and SENDCo
If you wish to contact the school SENDCO please do so through the school email address and it will be forwarded to Mrs Amy Jones. Alternatively, you may wish to call the school on 01934 822867 to speak to her directly.
What do I do if I think my child has child has additional needs?
Please discuss any concerns with your child’s class teacher, who can liaise with the SENDCo.
How do we identify children with Additional Needs?
Our highly experienced staff are committed to identify additional needs as early as possible to ensure that appropriate support is put in place. Children’s additional needs are identified in the following ways:
Assessment and Review of Provision:
Ongoing assessment of progress and provision ensures all children access effective learning opportunities. Assessment procedures include:
Supporting social and emotional needs:
Children’s social and emotional development affects their behaviour and their learning. We support their development in this area by:
For further information, please see the ELAN SEN and Inclusion policy, anti –bullying policy and the pastoral information on the website.
We work hard to ensure all children are able to access all aspects of the curriculum and the school environment.
Participation in the Curriculum
We provide all pupils with a broad and balanced curriculum, differentiated and adjusted to be inclusive of the needs of individual pupils and endorses the key principles in the current National Curriculum framework, which underpins the development of a more inclusive curriculum:
Specific information about particular arrangements can be gained by talking with the SENDCo.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?
We work with a broad and range of professionals including:
How will I know how my child is doing?
You can expect regular meetings to discuss the progress you child is making and support from home and school that is needed.
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?
Activities and school trips are available to all children, and arrangements can usually be made to make this possible. A risk assessment is carried out before the trip takes place so we know everyone will be safe. In the unlikely event that it is considered unsafe for a child to take part in an activity, then we will make sure he or she has an alternative thing to do that is just as much fun.
How accessible is the school both inside and outside?
Locking school can offer disabled toilets, a lift, and ramps to get into school, hoist, handrails and other smaller aids. Where specific resources are required in order to access the curriculum, these will be sourced in line with the recommendations given.
Like all schools, a proportion of our budget from North Somerset is designed to support children with additional needs. We plan how to use this budget to best effect, supporting all children with an additional need. Where a pupil has significant needs additional funding can be sort as part of an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP).
As children move on, whether this by within Locking, or on to another school, there is always a detailed handover from the current class teacher, SENDCo and any other relevant staff to the new class or school. This ensures the child starts the next phase in their education with staff having a clear understanding of their needs and strategies to support them.
Complaints’ procedure
In the first instance, please see your child’s teacher if something has gone wrong. If it cannot be sorted out then please ask to see Mrs Amy Jones (SENDCo) or Mrs Simpson (Headteacher).
Who can I contact for further information?
To find information about North Somerset Local offer contact to be confirmed by North Somerset.
Supportive parents can be contacted through
Special Educational Needs Team at North Somerset
Telephone: 01275 888297