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Mathematics is vital in understanding the world in which we live. That is why, at Locking School, we are determined for our children to leave KS2 with a firm understanding of not just how to answer questions with a surface level instrumental understanding but a deeper conceptual understanding of mathematics. We want our pupils to feel confident and empowered to attempt challenging problems. This will allow our pupils to communicate and interact with number and understand mathematical concepts whilst also giving the ability to problem solve challenges in everyday life.


At Locking we follow the Primary National Curriculum which organises mathematics into distinct areas although maths is a fluid subject and natural connections are made between each area when relevant. Additionally, mathematical skills are applied in the wider curriculum in subjects such as DT and science.

Program of Study

In order to ensure we cover the curriculum and give our students access to high quality resources and questions Locking uses White Rose Maths, Maths No Problem and I see Reasoning. These resources ensure that our pupils are exposed to a spiralised curriculum in which pupil’s learning experiences are built upon year on year.

Our curriculum is based on the Mastery Approach to mathematics. Teaching for mastery is based on a belief that all children can achieve in maths. In practice, this means children are no longer taught different concepts based on whether they are seen to be ‘less able’ or ‘more able’. Instead, the whole class is taught together but extra support is given to children who find the topic difficult, and challenging questions are given to children who are flying. Concepts are built in small, logical steps and are explored through clear mathematical models and images. The focus is on depth – not acceleration – so that all children have a chance to embed learning. Teaching is supported by high-quality resources which present the flow of lessons coherently and provide opportunities for plenty of practice.

Alongside this mastery approach we also practice some mathematical skills so pupils become fluent with recalling facts to aid with cognitive load. In KS2, pupils do daily practice of times tables and embed other fluency skills during maths fluency lessons. In KS1, maths is embedded throughout the school day to give pupils lots of learning opportunities.

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