Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
The Governing Body warmly welcomes you to Locking Primary School.
The school governors are a team of dedicated volunteers who work with the Head of School and staff to ensure high standards of education and care.
This is achieved by:
• Setting suitable aims and objectives.
• Agreeing policies, curriculum, targets and priorities.
• Monitoring and reviewing the school's achievements and progress.
What do the school governors do?
On the 1st October 2017 Locking Primary converted to academy status and formally became part of the Extend Learning Academies Network (ELAN). Each school within ELAN has a Local Governing Body (LGB). The LGB of Locking Primary School aims to support the whole community of the school using their varying skills, strengths and expertise from all walks of life to enrich the work of the governing body and improve the governance of the school.
The LGB of Locking Primary undertake the responsibilities delegated to them by the Board of Trustees. School governors have an important role, such as setting the vision of the school, holding the school leaders to account for educational outcomes, agreeing finances and having a good understanding of the community’s needs. The Governing Body is made up of parents, staff, trust appointees and individuals co-opted to the board for their skillset.
In all decision making, the governors are committed to ensuring that the best interests of all children in the school are the highest priority.
The current governors of Locking Primary School are:
Parent Governors | 1). Iesha Kendall |
Staff Governors | 1). Hannah Whitten |
Headteacher of Locking Primary School | Mrs Roxanne Simpson |
Appointed by the Board | 1). Vacancy 2). Vacancy |
Co-opted Governors | 1). Matthew Vincent 3). Craig Waite 4). Vacancy 5). Vacancy 6). Vacancy |
Clerk to the Governing Body | Cath Kus |
To contact the Chair of Governors, please or write to Mrs. Charlotte Martin at the school postal address.
Being a Governor is a rewarding way of making a voluntary contribution to the lives of local young people. We don’t expect you to be an expert in education, we welcome governors from all walks of life to bring different perspectives and views. You just need to be interested in supporting our school, community and the educational outcomes of our pupils. In all decision making, the governors are committed to ensuring that the best interests of all children in the school are the highest priority.
If you are interested in becoming a governor, please download and complete the expression of interest form and email it to the Chair of Governors:
An LGB has a minimum of seven members and a maximum of thirteen members. The membership of the LGB shall be as follows (unless the trust board resolve otherwise):
Undertaking the role of being a Governor is rewarding and a way of contributing to the local community. We encourage applicants with a breadth of experience, not only in education, to join us in ensuring the best outcomes for all our pupils.
If you are interested in being a Governor at Locking Primary School, please contact the Chair of Governors or Clerk to the Governors.