Children starting school September 2025
If your child was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021 they will be due to start Reception year in September 2025.
The deadline for the submission of applications to North Somerset School Admissions was Wednesday 15 January 2025, therefore online applications for pupils starting school in September 2025 has now closed. You can still make a late application, but you will need to make a paper application instead. You can download an application form or contact the school office if you need assistance with obtaining an application form.
Completed paper applications can be emailed or posted using the contact details on the application form.
If you are posting your application, it is recommended that you obtain independent proof of postage, such as recorded delivery.
All applications are processed by North Somerset Council School Admissions. Applications can be returned to the council, in person, by post or electronically.
If your child attends our preschool and is in receipt of early years pupil premium or service premium, our admission arrangements have a supplementary information form (SIF) to be completed and submitted with your application for school (this includes online and paper applications). The SIF form should be completed and sent directly to the school.
Further information can be found in the Parents' Guide to Starting School, or you can contact School Admissions by email or telephone 01275 884 078.